Video index
A. Call to Order
B. Invocation
C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
1. Proclamation: Heritage High School - VHSL Group 4 Girls Indoor Track S...
2. Proclamation: Menchville High School - VHSL Group 5 Girls Basketball S...
1. Ordinance Granting Conditional Use Permit No. CU-2022-0002 to Pearce B...
2. Ordinance Granting Conditional Use Permit No. CU-2022-0003 to Mishorim...
3. Ordinance Authorizing Zoning Text Amendment No. ZT-2022-0004, to the C...
4. Ordinance Authorizing Zoning Text Amendment No. ZT-2022-0005, to the C...
5. Ordinance Authorizing the Vacation of a 9,000 Square Foot Portion of R...
6. Ordinance Closing and Vacating an Alleyway Adjacent to 23rd Street in ...
7. Ordinance Releasing and Vacating a Public Drainage and Utility Easemen...
8. Ordinance Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute a Deed...
F. Consent Agenda
1. Receipt of Bids for Granting a Utility Easement Over City-Owned Proper...
2. Resolution to Provide a One-Time Supplemental Benefit Payment for Elig...
3. Resolution Approving the Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community D...
4. Ordinance Amending and Reordaining City Code Chapter 42, Water Supply,...
5. Item 1 of 2: Resolution Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to ...
6. Item 2 of 2: Development Department – Commonwealth’s Development Oppor...
H. Appropriations
I. Citizen Comments on Matters Germane to the Business of City Council
1. City Manager
2. City Attorney
3. City Clerk
5. Cherry
6. Harris
7. Jenkins
9. Vick
10. Price
May 24, 2022 Regular City Council Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
A. Call to Order
B. Invocation
C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
1. Proclamation: Heritage High School - VHSL Group 4 Girls Indoor Track S...
2. Proclamation: Menchville High School - VHSL Group 5 Girls Basketball S...
1. Ordinance Granting Conditional Use Permit No. CU-2022-0002 to Pearce B...
2. Ordinance Granting Conditional Use Permit No. CU-2022-0003 to Mishorim...
3. Ordinance Authorizing Zoning Text Amendment No. ZT-2022-0004, to the C...
4. Ordinance Authorizing Zoning Text Amendment No. ZT-2022-0005, to the C...
5. Ordinance Authorizing the Vacation of a 9,000 Square Foot Portion of R...
6. Ordinance Closing and Vacating an Alleyway Adjacent to 23rd Street in ...
7. Ordinance Releasing and Vacating a Public Drainage and Utility Easemen...
8. Ordinance Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute a Deed...
F. Consent Agenda
1. Receipt of Bids for Granting a Utility Easement Over City-Owned Proper...
2. Resolution to Provide a One-Time Supplemental Benefit Payment for Elig...
3. Resolution Approving the Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community D...
4. Ordinance Amending and Reordaining City Code Chapter 42, Water Supply,...
5. Item 1 of 2: Resolution Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to ...
6. Item 2 of 2: Development Department – Commonwealth’s Development Oppor...
H. Appropriations
I. Citizen Comments on Matters Germane to the Business of City Council
1. City Manager
2. City Attorney
3. City Clerk
5. Cherry
6. Harris
7. Jenkins
9. Vick
10. Price
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